quinta-feira, 4 de maio de 2006

Grandes àlbuns: Hats, dos Blue Nile

Há discos que nos marcam uma vida inteira, década após década.
As canções de "Hats" ouvimo-las entre 5 a 10 vezes seguidas em cada audição, gostando sempre mais e mais.
Um encanto que perdura desde muito próximo do lançamento, em 1989, e que ameaça acompanhar-nos pelos anos seguintes, quantos venham a ser.

Mas ouçamos outros falarem destas "7 canções para noites de lua cheia", como alguém sabiamente em tempos se lhes referia:

PHILADELPHIA DAILY NEWS - "The emotive, yearning vocals and chilling tunesmanship of Paul Buchanan plus the band's poignant, minimalist arrangements make for a combination that is both sublime and heartbreaking."

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY - "Rejoice, acolytes--the Scottish priests of midnight yearning (...) the music (...): crystalline mid-tempo soundscapes in which regret and ecstasy twine into a spiritual double helix. "An ordinary miracle is all we really need," croons Paul Buchanan."

MELODY MAKER - "The Blue Nile sound more like being in love than being in love does."

Shawn St. John in AMAZON.COM - "This album is for anyone who has been hurt by love but dared to love again; for anyone who stayed up all night thinking about what they were going to say to her tomorrow--or should have said today; for anyone who wants so desperately to believe in something true and beautiful again; for anyone who has ever watched the world go by from a midnight train and felt the ache of every sleeping soul it passed; for anyone willing to think and feel and love."

Deixamos aqui um excelente o link para o video-clip de "Dowtown Lights", uma das melhores canções da banda de Paul Buchanan & Co.